New Mexico Athletic Trainers' Association
Honors & Awards
Don't Delay, Nominate Today
Nominate for all awards using the same form. Use the link below to access the nomination form.
Click Here Nomination Form
Please note: Any required documents must be submitted to nmata.awards@gmail.com
Nomination Criteria
Application Guidelines
Any voting member of the Association may nominate individuals for an award.
Students may recommend qualified persons to a certified member of the NMATA for nomination; however, a certified member of the NMATA must make the nomination.
The nominator must send a detailed file of the candidate to the NMATA Honors and Awards Chair.
Mary Tucker Outstanding Athletic Trainer Service Award
Individuals must meet the following requirements to be nominated for the award:
Be a member of the NMATA
Provide any notable service to the NMATA at the State, District, or National level.
Be in good standing with the Board of Certification or have retired in good standing.
The file shall include:
Completed NMATA Award Nomination Form
ONE letter(s) of Recommendation
Documentation of service to the NMATA and/or other pertinent information to help with the selection
All recommendations must be complete and submitted to the NMATA Honors and Awards Chair no later than April 15th of each year.
NMATA Distinguished Athletic Trainer Service Award
Individuals must meet the following requirements to be nominated for the award:
Be a member of the NMATA for a minimum of 15 years
Be in good standing with the Board of Certification or have retired in good standing
Provide distinguished service to the NMATA at the State, District, or National level
The file shall include:
Completed NMATA Award Nomination Form
THREE Letters of Recommendation
TWO letters from a Certified Athletic Trainer in good standing
ONE letter from someone outside the profession
Resume/vitae that includes professional education: career history; professional certification(s) and licensure
Documentation of distinguished service to the NMATA and/or other pertinent information to help with the selection
All recommendations must be complete and submitted to the NMATA Honors and Awards Chair no later than April 15th of each year.
NMATA Hall of Fame
Individuals must meet all of the following requirements unless exempted by special considerations:
Must have served as an athletic trainer for 20 years within the state of New Mexico
Must have been a member of the NMATA for 20 years
Must have served in a recognizable capacity in the NMATA
Must have made contributions to the athletic training profession that have brought distinction to the NMATA, or be recognized as having given significant service to the NMATA
Special Considerations (must meet the voting point minimum and must have an additional letter of recommendation).
Deceased NMATA athletic trainers who have not met the length of service requirement (20 years) may be considered if they had, while working in the state of New Mexico, brought distinction to the NMATA due to their own achievements, contributions to the athletic training profession, or service to the NMATA.
Athletic Trainers who work in another state, or another district of the NATA who, at one time did work in a position within the state of New Mexico may be considered if their contributions to the athletic training profession have brought distinction to the profession. The length of service requirement (20 years) is mandatory.
Athletic trainers who are native to New Mexico (by birth or by graduation from a New Mexico 4 year college or university) who have made significant contributions to the athletic training profession and have brought distinction to the NMATA or NATA may be considered. The length of service requirement (20 years) would be mandatory.
Former NMATA members who have not met the length service requirement, but who have given consideration service to the NMATA may be considered.
An NMATA athletic trainer who has met the 20-year requirement, but has not served on the Board, or on a committee, may be considered if he/she has given obvious outstanding service to the NMATA in other ways.
The file shall include:
Completed NMATA Award Nomination Form
Minimum TWO letters of recommendation from separate athletic trainers in good standing (THREE letters minimum required for special considerations)
Resume/vitae of the candidate
Documentation of service to the NMATA and/or other pertinent information to help with the selection
Other letters of recommendation are acceptable
All recommendations must be complete and submitted to the NMATA Honors and Awards Chair no later than April 15th of each year.
NMATA AT Advocate Award
The NMATA Advocate Award (formerly The President's Award) recognizes an individual, or organization, that has been a champion for the profession of athletic training and/or improved public awareness of the athletic training profession.
Individuals must meet the following requirements to be nominated for the award:
Demonstrated long-term commitment to the profession of athletic training
Helped improve public awareness, promotion, and education of the profession of athletic training
Served in establishing, maintaining, and improving the presence of athletic trainers in any professional setting
Promoted themselves as a leader, or advocate, in promoting the field of athletic training
The file shall include:
Completed NMATA Award Nomination Form
TWO letters of recommendation from athletic trainers in good standing
Documentation to show long term commitment to the profession of athletic training, having provided public awareness and promotion of athletic training, having served in establishing, maintaining, and improving the presence of athletic trainers in any professional setting and/or other pertinent information to help with the selection
The NMATA currently offers two awards of $1,000 each. Please click on Scholarships to see more.
Length of Service Award
A pin is awarded for 5, 10, and 15 years of continuous membership in NMATA.
A plague is awarded for 20 and 25 years of continuous membership in NMATA.
A special award will be presented to a member achieving 30 years of continuous membership in the NMATA.